69. Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian man


Leonardo da Vinci uses the proportions of the ideal man made by Vitruvius. Vitruvius mentions the value of the octagon, though in a bit obfuscating manner, while describing the winds: some have held that there are 4 winds, the Solanus from the equinoctial east, the Auster from the south, the Favonius from the equinoctial west, and the Septentrio from the north.
But those who have inquired more diligently lay down that there are 8.
Especially Andronicus of Cyrrha, who also as an example built at Athens an octagonal marble tower and so the several sides of the octagon had representations of the winds carved opposite their several currents.

The side of the square is 108 palms or 432 digits, divided by 24 is 18.
108/24 = 4.5 cubit, remember 45 is the ark and a great year is 108×24 = 2592

Just like the pyramid 4 sides with an ark on the side, and the side was 235,62 meters or 45 x 5236.

So the side being 24 palms by 24 palms = 576 square palms, which is the geometric equivalent of the Greek word for the wind and meaning also spirit, “pneuma” = 576.

24 palms is 96 fingers
18 x 96 = 1728 (19×96=1824)
25 x 96 = 2400 (27 times 96)
is 2592.

28 fingers/digits is a royal cubit.

13986 the sum of all 3 keys (52,36…56,25….31.25) the new master
divided by 7 is 1998
Let’s look closely at it : 1………..and 8 and 99 in the middle, between the 6 and 7 on the tree there is 72 degrees:
1998 plus 72=2070. 1998 plus 702=2700

If you take this 1998 and multiply it with 2:
1998 x 2 = 3996
1998 x 3 = 5994
1998 x 4 = 7992
1998 x 5 = 9990
1998 x 6 = 11988
1998 x 7 = 13986
1998 x 8 = 15984
Here and with the other multiplication you will be able to recognize the numbers, but with an extra nine, looking for instance at the last one:
1584 x 2 = 3168 the number of Lord Jesus Christ.

After six times you see a shift to one nine but the left numbers added to the right numbers will make triple nines as well.
But also the two first numbers added to the last 3
As it does with for instance 3996 whereby the first added to the last also gives you 999.
Continue with multiplying and see to where this goes.

One more on the ark: 23562 divided by 8 gives you 2945.25

56.25 x 52.36 = 2945.25
31,25 x 52,37 = 1636.25 x 8 = 1309
163,625 x 24 = 3927

5+6+2+5+3+1+2+5+5+2+3+6 = 45
5x6x2x5x3x1x2x5x5x2x3x6 = 162.0000 mirror of 192 and 192 x 162 = 31104 the creational number.



Moshiya van den Broek