199. Did you know that……?


THAT the Hebrew Inscription above Messiah’s Torture Stake confirmed the Sacred Name of God. The acronym formed from the initial letters of the four words of this Inscription, spells YHVH – which is the Sacred Name of the Creator God of Israel, as it appears in the Torah Scriptures. This Inscription read: “Y‘Shua HaMaschiach Ve’Melech HaYehudim” (”Y’Shua the Messiah and King of the Jews”)

• THAT YAHU’SHUAH of the New Testament is YHVH of the Old Testament. Pronounced: “YAHOO’ SHOE ‘AH”

• That the only numbers that do not appear if you divide 1 by 7 are the 3, 9 and 6 and that the circumference of the eight(8) is 576 based on the hexagram and pentagram and that the difference between the two is 180. What is more 153(the mystical number) multiplied by the great zodiacal cycle of 2592(0) is 396.576(0) add them and you have 792 which multiplied by two gives you 1584 and multiplied by two gives you 3168 and five times gives you 396 again.

• That Plato said you do not need to go further than 216 is related to the Torah ? 0480 letters (the first 3 is mirrored) when you join the 3’s they make up an eight(8) and hold the 48 within. 33 and 48, now multiply 216 with 153 again and you get 33048. Together they are 81 (33+48)multiply 33 with 48 and you get 1584, multiply by two gets you 3168 again (the value of lord Jesus Christ). And times 7 is 11088 . 33048 times two is 66(0)96 all the 66 books and 96 as turning point. Times 12 is 396.576. This all really means that the same cycle or steps are in the 2160 years, as compared to the large cycle of 25920.

• The difference between 33048 and 25920 is 7128, 71 x28=1988 19 x 88=1672

16 x 72=1152 which again is twice 576 or the tree of good and evil.

• That numbers are a real language, not just a quantitive mathematical language but a language that spells out the structure and path of the creator.

• That 576 plus 153 is 729 and 729 plus 792 plus 297 is 1818.

• That you are one of the very few who have the opportunity to see one of the greatest sacred mysteries, that many play with numbers but do not know how they evolve and where they come from, that the true structure of the tree of wisdom and life were known to only a few people in the world, Eliphas Levi and Tesla

• That Eliphas Levi said: he who is able to join the hexagram and pentagram has solved half the great mystery. And Tesla said he who knows the meaning of 3, 9 and 6 knows the uni-verse.

• That 3 x 96=288 and 3 x 4 x 8 x3=288 half the eight.

• That the 3 trees add up to 1728 and 18 times 1728 is 31104 and 31104(0) (creational date)divided by the 12 is 2592(0) again.

• That 25920 times 31,25 is 810000 and reverse 25920 divided by 18 is 144. And so, see that the eight is related to the cycle of the zodiac.

• That 81 x81 is 6561 mirror of 1959 and of 1656 numbers that will show to always be related ,while talking numbers here you should realise they are letters also which form words.

• That the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters plus 5 to pronounce,  22.5.  Divide 25920 by 22.5 is 1152 which is again the tree of knowledge and 22.5 is half the 45 or the ark that travelled 40 days and 40 nights. So by traveling 80 times 22.5 is 1800. While 24 times gives you the way out 54.00 and 25 is the ark of covenant 5625. And 36 times is indeed 81 again.

• That 576 times 22.5 is 1296 which is half the 25920 cycle.

• That in the article ‘the teacher knows’ you will see the structure with both the eight and the 25920 cycle.

• That the value of the word Maker is 180 in Hebrew, and “he who lives” 18 and Holy spirit 1080, the work of thy fingers 1008.

• That the multiplication of 108(radius of the moon) times 4 is radius of the sun, and 8 times is the diameter of the sun and the earth and moon together 10080 miles.

• That the hydrogen is atomic number one and its atomic weight is 1,0080.

• That the value of the word saint in Greek is 864 fractal diameter of the sun. And the word value of Jerusalem.

• That the great city is said to be a cube of 12,000 furlongs( the square measure of each side is 144,000 and as a cube has 6 sides 6 x =864000 the sun again and the value of “shine forth in the kingdom of their father.

• That if you square the sun, you get the value 3456000 and the value of “the city of my god” is 3456 and 3+4+5+6=18.

• That 3600-259,20=33408 remember 33048? and 304803. And 360-259.20=100.8

• That the value of “branch of Jehovah is 432, and “he was pierced” is 108 just as the value of Red is 108.

• That the value of lion is 216 just as power is 216. And all nations shall serve him is 216, also “the blood of grapes.”

• |Revelations 21:9-14 here the city is described as having 12 gates bearing the names of the tribes of is-ra-el, and it has 12 foundations bearing the names of the 12 apostles and there were 12 thousand of each tribe of is-ra-el, add them all up and multiply by 12 is 144,000 (12×12×12=1728)

• That if you add up the value of their names: Judah 485, Reuben 630, Gad 8, Asher 309, Nepthalim 650, Monasses 700, Simeon 1495, Levi 445, Issachon 1112, Zebulon 1360, Joseph 1518,  Benjamin 168 then you get 8880 this times 12 brings you to10656.

• That you get the very same with the foundation, the 12 apostles Peter 755, Andrew 361, James 1103, John 1119, Philip 980, Nathanael 150, Levi/Matthew 445, Thomas 2115, James son of Alheus 320, Labbaeus(Thaddeus)1573, Simon the Cemannite 685 adds up to again 10656. And 1+6+5+6=18 while multiplied 180.

• That the value of I am the Alpha and Omega is 18 or I am the one and the eight.

• That when Instead of using the number code that assigns a value to each letter, the Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) Code has also been used. In this case, the number 7 was selected arbitrarily. Each seventh letter in the phrase had its Gematria value assigned. Then for in for instance Isaiah 11:1 each seventh letter was valued “And a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit. The spirit of the Lord will rest on him the spirit of wisdom and understanding., the spirit of counsel and of power, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.” (Isaiah 11:1)This total is 8880.

• That the 6 days of creation “the six days” mem yod mem yod tav shin shin with each their value without zero 40 ,10 ,40,10, 400, 300,300 is 4×1×4×1×1×4×3×3=576 and 5760 is 6000 years from adam.

• That one pennyweight of gold has 24 grains and one troy ounce is 20 penny weights and 12 ounces is one pound of gold and one pound has 5760 grains.

• That 24 hours times 6 days times 40 is 5760

• That “and I will write on them the name of my god and the name of the city of my god, the new Jerusalem” has the value of 10656

• That 150 x 40 = the 6000 years from Adam, while 150/26 is 576.923076923.

• That salvation Hebr has a value of 396.

• That 576 plus 216 is 792 and 792 is lord Jesus Christ in Hebrew value times 4 is Greek value 3168.

• That Adam killed an animal and “he made goats of skin” value 1152 while the value of the “kingdom of god” was 1152 remember his sinful nature? And the tree of good and evil being a value of 1152?

• That Abraham circumcised 318 man of his household, the 3 stands for trinity and cross and 18 is the first and the new first like in musical notes and in the days of creation after the 7th day of rest it began on the eight day.

• That “in the beginning god” has a value of 999 which represents the eternal circle, and when divided by 318 gives you 3,14150943396. And that the value of the Greek word for sun is 318

• That “god with us” has a value of twice 618

• That it is foretold that he would be born 881235 (88×12=1056×3=3168×5=1584(1584×2=3168) 881235 divided by his entering the womb 45 is 1958,3. That the value of the day of his coming is 528 times two is 1056 ( the value of “it shall be gods house” is 528 and the value of “the Key” is 528.He will be king is 528 and breaking forth of light is 528.

• That you know the value of 45 as entering , and that the value of “the kingdom of our lord and of his Christ” is 504, and “they anointed David as king is 504, and “tabernacle of David is 504 and Saviour is 504, drop the zero’s,  the Greek word for Christ 600. 22) and (6×1×1×2×3×7×2=504)

• That if you take 528 as we have done with the golden ratio and 432 above then the length will be 3168.

• That Stonehenge represents the same knowledge, the area within its main circumference contains 888 square yards, the measure around the outer face of these stones is 331,7 feet producing a diameter of 105,6 feet, and in psalm 15:12 “they joy of thy salvation” has the value of 1056.

• That the value of “ten cubit” has a value in Hebrew is 618 which is 5+40+1+2+200+300+70 and 30 cubit in hebrew is 432 which is 5×40×1×2×40×10×300×30×300.

• That the letter value of blood, Passover, Christ, victory, scales, son of god, his kingdom is 1480, and taken as perimeter with sites of 370 of 37 which is the value of truth, only son, my messiah, only begotten, and he reigns, will give you a length of the spiral arm of golden ratio of 888, which is the value of “I am the life”.

• That “behold I lay in Sion a chief cornerstone 1 peter 2:6 has a value of 333, Sion means peak, snow also has a value of 333, so has “son of man”. If we take the Paris meridian that also goes through Rennes-le-Chateau then mount Hermon has 33,3 latitude and 33.3 longitude. The value of Dew of Hermon is 5184, from, it is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on mount Zion psalm 1.33:3

• That the value of sun, headstone, cornerstone, Jehovah shall illuminate is 53 and 530 and that the value of love, brightness, god is spirit, to save life is 93 and 930 and this value is the distance of the sun to earth with zero’s divide it by the speed of light and you get 3168. Now relate this to Jesus at 33 being the perfect love send to mankind 24 hours, 33×24=792 which is the value of salvation.

• That the value of “word” is 373 the biblical word is logos. wisdom has the value of 73.

• That “in Zion my holy hill” has the value in Hebrew of 777. 37(3×7=21×37=777) and 3+3+3=9×37=333, the distance between Sion and Zion is 888 furlongs.

• That the story being told is the holy math of creation.

• That numbers are indeed the first language. And its expression the world we thought we knew, his word indeed created all that it was and will be.

• And it has 3 trees upon which it is build.



Moshiya van den Broek